
hello hello!! might as well make a first entry to break in this section to my website ^_^ yayyyy

welcome all to arcoleiris website Official. my little chunk of my heart and soul given internet forme. that i spent a good two days working on and on day two pulled the trigger and uploaded already because i couldn't stand waiting any longer XD

i have lotssss of plans for this website because i wanna use this instead of putting my thoughts on big social media... within the past few months something sort of shifted for me mentally and i just kinda. realized i couldn't keep going on using the internet as i was prior. it's just really not good for me! and i've been feeling this way for YEARS but i don't want my thoughts to just sit all alone in my head... so i stalled doing anything about it. and the feeling just got worse and worse

SO! perfect solution! my own personal little web page where you Willingly choose to visit (versus me putting it out into an Algorithm of Posts where anyone can just stumble upon it and go "um Wtf is this freak doing here". which happened to me a lot on other websites which led to me locking my accounts or just not posting lol) and click on my little pages that i get to customize and color to my HEART'S CONTENT!!!! i can do literally anything as long as i know how to code it!!! let's fucking go

so let me talk a little about something from my Personal Life rather than website thoughts. oooh juicy personal details about Iris Arcoleiris...

as of writing this it's only 12 (TWELVE!!!!!) days until i get to see my partner in real life!!! which has me really really excited and anxious (not about meeting him Just about travel and such) and it's all i can think about

if you don't know me already my partner is my absolute WORLD and UNIVERSE. i will make a page on him eventually. his name is apollo. we've been dating for four years now. we love each other very very much. he goes by nebulasteps on most websites and has told me he's been inspired by my website to want to try making his own!!!!! if he ever does you know damn well i'll link it >:3

but yeah!!! we're gonna get to spend three days together!!! we're gonna be at a nice spot and get to have little dates and hopefullyyyyy after it we'll possibly have more openings to Keep getting together and even move in??? Who knows!!! but i hope so!!!!!

art by him ❤️

as for a few website plans... wellllll. obviously you can see all my buttons on the sidebar. i've got more sections planned than i have coded yet!!! yippieeee

im most excited for but daunted by the idea of setting up an art gallery... the main thing im waiting on is 1. figuring out what sort of gallery script i wanna use 2. how to make it so the thumbnails aren't all high res so it doesn't take 50,000 years to load in

i know i saw a post on something about the second point there but i'll have to go find it again...

i also wanna get a cool marquee display of a bunch of other websites' buttons!!! i see that on a lot of other websites, idk if that's basic html/css or a javascript thing or what. But i want it. and i'll find out how to do it. mark my words. MARK MY WORDS!!!!

i'm also excited to set up whatever little shrines i please!!! i wanna make pages for soooo many things SOOOO MANY... i'm particularly excited to make a page about chapter two of a hat in time... it's my favorite part of the wholeeee game and the conductor and dj grooves are some of my favorite characters of Anything ever. and you Will listen to me talk about them.

OKKKKK THAT'S ENOUGH FOR NOW... time to work on my css for journal entries so i can upload this to the site... Huge things brewing for arcoleiris.neocities.org. HUGE THINGS!!!

see you again whenever i write another entry... i likely will once the trip actually happens so i can document my gay little time :3. byebye!!!

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